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Barbara Allport

Life Lost
acrylic/canvas, 24” x 36”

Artist statement

The empty canoe represents the loss of Indigenous Peoples connection to their culture and ways of life. Settlers have torn them from their roots and heritage.

The Settlers must apologetically work toward Reconciliation to assist and support all Indigenous People in the return to their art, craft, language and true ways of life. Settlers must also listen deeply and act in true faith to bring a reconciling of cultures in the ways of love and dignity for all.

About the artist

I am primarily a landscape painter working in acrylics. I live in a very rural setting surrounded by forests, trees, rock, water, and wetlands. I feel a deep connection to this world around me and that is why I paint. The energy of these elements washes over me daily. This contributes to a symphony of sound, colour and love which I try to encompass in my art.