Alex Jack “From Outside” Exhibition of Landscape Paintings

October 31 – December 1, 2018

Opening reception:
Friday, November 2 | 7:30 pm

Sponsored by Pat Cooke in Memory of Paul David Cooke
About the artist

Since the late seventies Alex Jack has been painting and drawing. He now works almost all the time with landscape, both outside and in the studio. In 1990 he moved to rural eastern Ontario from Toronto so he could have more time to focus on his artwork. He has shown in galleries in southern, central and eastern Ontario as well as Toronto.

Artist statement

I have been painting and drawing the landscape for many years, both outside and in the studio, the outside work being at the core of my approach. For me the experience of being in the landscape is more important than seeing the landscape as a “scene” or “view”. The landscape’s largeness, aliveness, continual change, and the ongoing relentless push of nature are what I respond to. The painting and drawing materials are used to develop connections with the many sensations that come with being in the landscape, using these to make an image of how I perceive and feel them interacting with each other. I am very engaged with the actual process of painting and drawing, trying to push through, by directness and simplicity, to a unique and coherent image that could not have been foreseen or predicted.