Connie Van Rijn “In the Shadows” 

August 4 – 28, 2021

Opening reception:
Friday, August 6 | 7:30 pm

Sponsored by Susan Latremoille and Pamela Gibb-Carsley

Exhibition overview

My childhood was spent largely out of doors in flood plains and wooded areas adjacent to my home.  We lived on the banks of the Credit River and on Fletcher’s Creek.  We were on the outskirts of town, surrounded by farmland.  My paintings are based on memory of inhabiting those landscapes. The memory is more corporeal than mental and evoke a sense of what it was for me to inhabit these particular spaces. 

My show at the AGB is a selection of paintings based on the depictions of past and current landscapes.

Artist statement

Painting is a form of dialogue between painter and paint, between material and intent, the cerebral and somatic, the ineffable and the concrete, perception and notation.  In short, situations that seem to stand in opposition to each other.   We structure these oppositions so that we might be revealed to ourselves as beings in the world.  I paint to make notation of my being in the world.  Notation is a neutral act. Painting is a neutral act. Being is rarely neutral.  I seek the space between the known and the unknown to find the place where I can paint without intent.  A neutral space where recognition of states of being are recognized and noted.