Ernst Grell

Ernst landed in the Bancroft area in 2011 with his partner Leilah Ward, a painter, writer, and sometimes musician. They found a wonderful community and immersed themselves inthe surrounding beauty of trees, lakes and rocks.

With Leilah’s encouragement to explore his interest in photography, Ernst traded his “point and shoot” camera for a DSLR camera. “So… now what?”, he asked himself. He did notunderstand this new equipment or how to use it, nor did he consciously comprehend what went into creating a photograph. But he possessed a passion to create.

Ernst enrolled in numerous photography courses, bought photography books and magazines, and studied YouTube videos online. They helped, but he felt he needed more. Hechecked out a photography club in the area, but it wasn’t a fit.

Nonetheless, he took pictures. Lots of pictures.

A few months later, Ernst attended a meeting of a new start-up photography group, f2, and knew instantly he had landed in a place of encouragement, support, guidance andfriendships.

As Ernst continues his journey to realize his photographic voice, his f23 friends have endured the frequent changes, re-directions and frustrations in his photographic pursuits.

Most recently he has discovered the surreal world of Liminal Space Photography, which can be disturbing and engaging as it leaves both photographer and audience experiencing the sensation they are on a threshold, a threshold between here… and there.

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