“Generational Trauma“, multi-media 3D, deer, hide, hair, birch bark, porcupine quills, ink, and glass bead work, 3′ x 2′
The image is of a young Indigenous girl in residential school who is carrying an unwanted child which was conceived from her being raped. This is the darkest piece of artwork that I will have ever created.
Kwey Aanii.
Diane nidijinikàz.
Wàbisheshì nidodem.
Kijicho Manito Madaouskarini Algonquin First Nation nidonjabà.
Bancroft endàyàn.
Omàmawininì Anishinàbe ashidj jàganàsh ikwe nda’aw.
Hello I see your light.
Diane is my name.
I belong to the Marten clan.
I come from the Kijicho Manito Madaouskarini Algonquin First Nation.
Bancroft is my home.
I am an Algonquin native and settler heritage woman.
The Art Gallery of Bancroft is situated on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg Algonquins, which is known to be unceded. Indigenous people have been stewards of this land since time immemorial; as such we honour and respect their connection to the land, its plants, animals and stories. Our recognition of the contributions and historic importance of Indigenous peoples is sincerely aligned to our collective commitment to make the promise and the challenge of truth and reconciliation real in our community.