Wood, metal, leather rope, children’s blocks, 72 inches by 55 inches
There is a drumbeat across Canada that is growing louder and louder. Mass graves are being unearthed. Horrifying testimonies by survivors of Residential schools are being recounted. Details of involvement by leaders and members of the Catholic church are being exposed.
Testament was created to be part of that conversation.
Why Testament? Why Now? The disturbing and by now all-too-familiar campaign of crimes against children—and its systematic coverup—are the driving forces behind this sculpture.
Here in Canada, for a over a century and a half, more than 150,000 Indigenous children were forced into a network of mandatory boarding schools. The Roman Catholic Church ran 70%, and Anglican, United, Methodist, and Presbyterian churches the remainder.
Forbidden to retain their own language and forced to embrace Christianity, these schools were designed to assimilate the children into Canadian society by eradicating their connection to their history and culture. Thousands died in the schools, and many were victims of physical and sexual abuse.
Testament, a rosary, depicts the familiarity of ritual and hints at the terrible secrets hidden just beyond the familiar. The iron hook and chain hold back the falling cross from impact and point to the precarious position of the Church while reminding us of the iron control exerted by the Church over all within their reach.
I invite you to share your thoughts and ideas; leave a comment on the blackboard or on the cross itself.
My first love is sculpture! Whether it is working with wood, glass, metal or clay, these abandoned items are enabled to return and tell a new tale.
Creating art from random, discarded, often commonplace objects presents unique challenges. My process, however, is simple: I listen.
The Art Gallery of Bancroft is situated on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg Algonquins, which is known to be unceded. Indigenous people have been stewards of this land since time immemorial; as such we honour and respect their connection to the land, its plants, animals and stories. Our recognition of the contributions and historic importance of Indigenous peoples is sincerely aligned to our collective commitment to make the promise and the challenge of truth and reconciliation real in our community.