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Carol Giles

Phoenix Rising
acrylic and collage, 18” x 24”

Artist statement

My piece for the Reconciliation portion of the Truth and Reconciliation art show combines an acrylic under-painting and a collage of portraits. The under-painting suggests the “rising from the ashes” of residential schools and shows the wings of an eagle, which symbolize to me the Indigenous peoples of North America.  The portraits are of six Canadian Indigenous women of renown. I wanted to recognize the strength, endurance, and fortitude of these women. 

I think the reconciliation process will be a long and ongoing process. It relies on good and strong role models and the respect, acknowledgment, sharing of knowledge and learning between all peoples.

I have learned so much through researching these women. I was amazed at their achievements and characters. I could not include everything I wanted to in my art piece, so if I have piqued your interest, check out this link for more information on each of these women.

About the artist

My name is Carol Giles. I live in Bancroft, Ontario. I was born and raised in Ontario. I have lived in various places throughout the world, including England, Victoria, BC, and New Zealand.

I am a self-taught artist, but have taken numerous art courses throughout my life. I have created art in one way or another since I was a child, but it was only once I became an empty nester that I have been able to concentrate on my painting; creating, learning, expanding myself and experimenting. 

My medium of choice is acrylics. I paint mainly landscapes and wildlife portraits. However, I will work on the occasional mixed media piece which gives me a sense of play and the freedom to just be creative.

Art is my passion. I find that I lose all sense of time when I get caught up in a painting. Through art I am able to express my love of nature and wildlife.