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Kendra Gadzala’s “For the Moment”

October 31 – December 2, 2023

Opening reception:
November 2 | 7:30 pm

Sponsored by a friend of the Gallery

Artist statement

My paintings document the landscapes of Ontario. I’m drawn to the elements that are constantly changing – the sky, light and shadow. I tend to focus on the most changeable parts of the scene – the clouds and colours, particularly between day and dusk. The impermanence of the clouds and light from moment to moment is my primary interest as a painter.

The horizon line is often placed low in the paintings, allowing me to fully explore and place emphasis on the sky. The colours used are often saturated and interpretive, creating a heightened sense of drama and mood.

Artist profile

Kendra Gadzala is an artist, designer and educator. She holds a BFA in Fine Arts from Concordia University. Her art has been exhibited internationally and is in private collections in North America, Europe and Asia. She is a full time Professor at Centennial College, where she teaches in the Art and Design Fundamentals Program and the Graphic Design Program.