Michael Dowdall

From the age of eight, Michael has been coming to the Highlands. First with family, cottaging, then camping and exploring the back roads searching for traces of Ontario’s settlement history. He fell in love with the forest here, the trees and rock giving him a feeling of peace.

For the past nine years, he and his partner have been living in the Maynooth area. It’s been a great joy for them to get to know many of the wonderful people in the Highlands.

Michael has had a long-time love of photography, having been introduced to it in high school. Since then, black & white/monochrome has been the main medium in which he has worked. Starting off developing film and printing in the darkroom, and lately digital, is how Michael photographs and prints. In the near future he will be combining both darkroom and digital to produce what he hopes will be a better realization of his photographic vision.

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