Clive Baugh

Clive is new to the f23 group and the Bancroft area – moving here in 2020, after living in Hamilton for forty years. He’s a retired teacher, who spends much of his spare time writingfiction and taking photographs.

Clive grew up in England before emigrating to Canada in 1969, at the age of sixteen. A couple of years before that he was given a Kodak Brownie camera for Christmas andquickly acquired the photo bug. In the mid-seventies he bought a Nikkormat SLR camera and a set of three lenses. He divided his photographic work then between colourtransparencies (“slides”) and black-and-white pictures, which he developed and printed himself.

Clive’s main interest in the early days was landscape and travel photography: his favourite places to photograph were England, France, and Greece. About twenty years ago, hebegan specializing in photographing birds; more recently, he has begun to focus also on insects and flowers.

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