Opening reception and CD release party for Heather Inwood-Montrose:
Friday, March 20 | 7:30 pm
David Vasquez began his career in Dominican Republic, and expanded with his first show in Toronto in the early 1990s. As a native of Dominican Republic, his vibrant colour palette pays homage to his island heritage. His paintings are rendered in oil using a palette knife.
Despite his informal training Vasquez has gained acclaim and admiration for his “Como y Venta” series featured at the Canadian Museum of Civilization on Ottawa. Vasquez’s work is recognized internationally by its strong bright colours and bold expressions.
Vasquez says, “… I’ve learned to talk to people through the expression of my palette knife and in this way show the movements and colours of my emotions. When I’m inspired, I spontaneously express it in painting…”
Vasquez is traveling in the United States exhibiting his art and will not be at the gallery for the opening reception, however on Friday, March 20th at 7:30 pm, he will be at the gallery to give a talk on his work.
Heather Inwood-Montrose launches her second CD at the AGB
Local multi-media artist and musician Heather Inwood-Montrose will launch the release of her second CD “Pristine Prisms” at the Art Gallery of Bancroft on Friday, March 6 at 7:30 pm. Heather co-produced her second compilation of songs in the singer/songwriter tradition. This second offering follows up on her first album released in 2010 with the band Mirabilia, which she also co-produced.
The evening promises to be a rocking event, with Heather performing some songs from her new CD, backed up by popular local bassist Howard Baer and musician Steve “Whutnot” Bereza, who also co-produced the CD. While at the Gallery, why not have a peek at some of Heather’s new jewelry line recently introduced at the AGB Gift Shop. She hand sculpts fine silver kiln-fired jewelry that reflects her love with and keen sense of connection to nature.
We are participants in and a part of the physical world we inhabit. Over time, we have lost that sense of connection, have all too often let ourselves be severed from the world of which we are a part. My work expresses my fear of a lost connection with each other, with our environment and a hope that we will re-discover all our forms of connection.
The Art Gallery of Bancroft is situated on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg Algonquins, which is known to be unceded. Indigenous people have been stewards of this land since time immemorial; as such we honour and respect their connection to the land, its plants, animals and stories. Our recognition of the contributions and historic importance of Indigenous peoples is sincerely aligned to our collective commitment to make the promise and the challenge of truth and reconciliation real in our community.